Title: Doctor of Science – Mechanical Engineering, Assistant Professor
Dr. Saša T. Milojević received his professional degrees from the University of Kragujevac, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, and Department for Motor Vehicles and IC Engines, Republic of Serbia. He worked as an assistant professor, expert advisor, researcher, and technical manager in the domain of truck and bus production with more than 25 years of professional experience. His current research interests include the optimization of reciprocating IC engines and air compressors for application in brake systems, alternative fuels for motor vehicles, the tribology, recycling, maintenance of technical systems, and artificial intelligence.
ORCID ID: https://orcid.org/0000-0003-0569-047X
Disciplines:Mechanical Engineering, Automotive Engineering, Alternative Fuels, Motor Vehicles, Internal Combustion Engines, Vehicle Testing, Recycling, Tribology, Hybrid and Electric Vehicles, Renewable Energy and Environment Protection, Artificial Intelligence
E-mail: sasa.milojevic@kg.ac.rs