Title: Teaching Assistant
Filip Popović is successfully engaged in scientific and research work in taxonomy, ecology, biogeography, and ecotoxicology of earthworms from the Lumbricidae family.
Previous scientific research is oriented towards determining the key moments and mechanisms of diversification of the endemic fauna of earthworms on the Balkan Peninsula. The research focuses on representatives of the earthworm fauna of different ecological forms, i.e., their taxonomy and zoogeography, with special emphasis on the genera Allolobophora (s.l.) Eisen, 1874 and CernosvitoviaOmodeo, 1956. He is the author and co-author of 42 scientific publications. In his works, he successfully cooperated with scientists from abroad and domestic scientific institutions. The total number of heterocytes is 7, and the h index is 2.
He is included in the project of the Ministry of Education, Science and Technological Development of the Republic of Serbia under the name “Preclinical tests of bioactive substances” registration number III41010. Also, he is currently engaged in the international project CA18237 EUdaphobase.
E-mail: filip.popovic@pmf.kg.ac.rs