Info Day at Faculty of Science

On November 7, 2024, from 10:00 to 11:00 AM, an Info Day was held at the Faculty of Science in Kragujevac.

Researchers were presented with the activities of the University of Kragujevac within the project “ERA TALENT Call for Multiplying the Impact of EURAXESS Hubs”, specifically those related to multiplying the impact of the EURAXESS Startup Hub ( and the establishment of the Local EURAXESS Startup Hub (

In addition to the presentation of project activities, attendees were given detailed presentations of the EURAXESS Startup Hub ( and Local EURAXESS Startup Hub ( platforms. The benefits and opportunities available through these platforms were highlighted. The focus was on the advantages researchers can achieve through the EURAXESS Startup Hub platform (, including career development and mobility schemes, as well as the benefits of joining the Local EURAXESS Startup Hub ( These benefits include networking and collaboration with broader scientific circles and industries, as well as the opportunity to apply for a mentorship program aimed at developing scientific ideas into business models and their commercialization.

At the end, questions from all attendees were addressed.

We would like to thank the Faculty of Science in Kragujevac for their hospitality and invite all researchers to join our network. We hope that the presented activities demonstrated their value and potential, and we remain available for any additional questions.